
fire-side conversation with interior design specialist

Integrating Timber With Modern Interior Design

“The flooring really is a backdrop to the whole home, everything we do will be built from that.”

Tamlin Prince 

Founder/Owner of Prince Designs

Tamlin Prince is a qualified Interior Designer who has an innate desire to provide quality and superior spaces that exceed her client’s expectations.

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What is Price Designs & What do you do?

“Prince design has been established for 7 years and working exclusively for ourselves for 4. We’ve been in the industry for 13 years.

We do mainly new builds, residential, two story, single story, display homes, furniture fit outs, private clients, renovations, a bit of everything really.”

– See Prince Design’s most recent work.

Why choose your floor first?

“When we design, we always start from the floor up.

The flooring really is a backdrop to the whole home, everything we do will be built from that. Furniture, all of your lighting, your paint colours, your cabinetry, it really is the backdrop for the mood and the overall feel of what the home will look like at the end.”

What design trends are you seeing at the moment?

“I love seeing a mix of materials. I don’t like to see the same type of materials used through out the home from front to back, it’s nice to see a little bit of interest.

I like to use a combination of concrete and timber, tiles and timber.

The hard surfaces we have in homes are softened by your natural products so it’s nice to see all of it.”

Why do you like using timber?

“I think timber is great to introduce that element of warmth and that natural sort of feel. A lot of the homes we build these days are open plan, there is a lot of glass, full height windows, hard finishes, big walls and  high ceilings.

Having a natural product like timber to sort of soften it and add a bit of warmth and earthiness is really important.”

Discover the cost of your floor – fully installed

Do you have any concerns using timber?

“With any natural product, it is going to age, just like us.

Making sure you’re using it in the right application is very important and that your clients understand that it is going to wear over time.

Lifewood I like because it has a 7 coating system so it is harder than a lot of standard products that are out there so it will look better for longer.”

What other applications are there for wood in the home?

“Timber is great because you can use it in so many other applications.

You can use it on your main flooring, you can introduce timber into your cabinetry, for the frames of your artwork, your furniture etc…

It’s easy to make a consistent look from front to back.”

Do you like to use timber outdoors?

“I do like to use timber outdoors. Again, a lot of our homes are big, they’re super modern, they’re modular looking now which is very popular.

Having that natural product that’s earthy, that’s going to soften those big, white rendered walls and glass out the front. It’s a great way to use timber externally.”

Can you tell us about your latest project?

“Yes, we’re working on a great home in South Perth at the moment which is multi-level.

We’re using Lifewood timber throughout the home which is great as it’s so versatile. We’re using just your standard nosing on your concrete stairs from the under-croft up to the first floor. We’ve got these incredible cantilevered treads coming off the wall we’re doing in a custom 60 mm slab, and then we’ve obviously got the timber going through the rest of the home.

It’s going to be beautiful.”

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Discover the price of your floor fully installed and learn more about our extensive range of timber flooring.